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Sea Safety: Safety Flares

Safety Services: Safety Flares 1. What are Flares? Boat flares are essential safety devices used by mariners to signal for help or communicate distress in emergencies. 2 Types of Flares Type A: Rocket parachute flare (red) Type B: Multi-star flare (red) Type C: Hand-held flare (red) Type D: Smoke signal—buoyant or hand-held (orange) 3 Red parachute rocket flares The red …

Royal Visit

Crew from the JLA were extremely proud to attend the King’s parade past the Pomme D’Or Hotel on Monday. The JLA formed part of the march past alongside other services, veterans and charities. The well-known red jackets were tested during the downpour, some fairing better than others; However that didn’t deter the clapping, cheering and show of support from all …

Sea Safety: VHF Radio

Safety Services: VHF Radio. Some simple rules VHF Radio Channels Channel 14 – St Helier VTS Channel 16 – Emergency Channel Channel 25/82 – Jersey Coastguard VHF Antenna Install to maximise communication range. Position at the highest point possible. Voice Procedure Useful for general info. Clear speaking: Keep it simple; keep it calm Ship to Ship Communicating with other vessels …

Sea Safety: Signalling

Be ready, even in good weather. Watch our short reel about signalling and be ready at all times. 1. VHF Radio Use Channel 16 on high power to signal distress. 2. Sound an Alarm Blow a whistle, sound a horn or bang a metal object. Morse Code SOS: 3 short 3 long 3 short. 3. Flares At night or day, …

Save Our Souls Halloween Spooktacular – Event Sponsor Opportunities

Save Our Souls Halloween Spooktacular is a themed black tie event including dinner, drinks, live band, DJ, auction and raffle. All proceeds will go to the Jersey Lifeboat Association. The event will take place on Saturday 2 November 2024 at the Royal Yacht Hotel from 19:00 to 01:00. Sponsorship packages currently available: Sponsor Event Tickets for JLA Crew to attend …

Sea Safety: Lifejackets

Do you know the importance of lifejackets? Watch our short reel about lifejacket safety. Wear your lifejacket at sea. Wear it, Use it, Stay Safe. Your boats, your crew, your lives.

Sponsored Parachute Jump

Carla Bradley and Brandon Dubois are bravely undertaking a tandem parachute jump at 2pm on 17th August 2024. Their aim is to raise funds for the JLA. Soaring through the air in St Aubin’s Bay and (planning on) landing at Gunsite, feel free to come along and support them. Please help support their efforts by sponsoring them. Click here to …

Assemble Inshore Lifeboat!

JLA’s “Albert Pinel” came to the rescue of a 16-foot speed boat that broke down near the Canger Buoy on Sunday at approx 17:20. The JLA crew arrived in less than 30 minutes from the initial call, ensuring a swift and efficient operation. The speed boat’s occupants were well-prepared with lifejackets, safety gear, and communication equipment. The skilled crew from …

Joint effort

On Tuesday 21st May at approx 21:30, the JLA was tasked to assist a French sailing yacht that had run aground on rocks close to St Helier harbour. In conjunction with RNLI Jersey and Jersey Coastguard, all available SAR assets were deployed. On arrival at the scene shortly behind the RNLI, it became clear that the fast-running propeller of the …

JLA assists Jet Skier

At 21:09 last night the JLA received a call from Jersey Coastguard to assist a jet-skier who had lost contact with their shore party in St Brelades bay. With daylight now gone, time was ticking to find the jet ski. Albert Pinel was launched on service and leapt into action, arriving on scene 26 minutes after the initial call. Vessel …

Jersey Boat Show 2024

It was a beautiful day to be by the water. The sun shone and we were honoured to welcome our Lieutenant-Governor: His Excellency Vice Admiral Jerry Kyd CBE, the Bailiff Tim Le Cocq and the Reverend Geoff Houghton to our naming ceremony for Albert Pinel – our inshore rib. After speeches from our Chairman – Simon O’Donoghue, His Excellency Jerry …

JLA has a busy night

On Sunday evening, Sir Max Aitken was tasked to escort a French flagged yacht from around the Violet Buoy suffering with engine issues.  On arrival, it was found that the vessel was not making any head way against the tide and migrating rather quickly into the reef toward La Rocque.  Sir Max quickly initiated a tow back to st Helier.  …