Ready to weather any storm

We’re all weathering the storm right now, but Jersey Lifeboats are always on hand to help. That’s why we make sure the team is always ready, for whatever challenges are thrown at us.

Who are the JLA?

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Ready to weather any storm

We’re all weathering the storm right now, but Jersey Lifeboats are always on hand to help. That’s why we make sure the team is always ready, for whatever challenges are thrown at us.

Who are the JLA?

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Ready to weather any storm

We’re all weathering the storm right now, but Jersey Lifeboats are always on hand to help. That’s why we make sure the team is always ready, for whatever challenges are thrown at us.

Who are the JLA?

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A lot of time and hard work has been done by the crew and supporters of the JLA, and on 12th April 2019 the JLA became Officially Declared. Thank you to all of our families, supporters and nationwide independent lifeboat crews for words of advice, and for helping to get us to where we are today. To those who have given donations and words of encouragement we thank you and we hope to make you proud of a local lifeboat service for Jersey to call it’s own.


A lot of time and hard work has been done by the crew and supporters of the JLA, and on 12th April 2019 the JLA became Officially Declared. Thank you to all of our families, supporters and nationwide independent lifeboat crews for words of advice, and for helping to get us to where we are today. To those who have given donations and words of encouragement we thank you and we hope to make you proud of a local lifeboat service for Jersey to call it’s own.


A lot of time and hard work has been done by the crew and supporters of the JLA, and on 12th April 2019 the JLA became Officially Declared. Thank you to all of our families, supporters and nationwide independent lifeboat crews for words of advice, and for helping to get us to where we are today. To those who have given donations and words of encouragement we thank you and we hope to make you proud of a local lifeboat service for Jersey to call it’s own.



A lot of time and hard work has been done by the crew and supporters of the JLA, and on 12th April 2019 the JLA became Officially Declared.

Thank you to all of our families, supporters and nationwide independent lifeboat crews for words of advice, and for helping to get us to where we are today.

To those who have given donations and words of encouragement we thank you and we hope to make you proud of a local lifeboat service for Jersey to call it’s own.
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A lot of time and hard work has been done by the crew and supporters of the JLA, and on 12th April 2019 the JLA became Officially Declared.

Thank you to all of our families, supporters and nationwide independent lifeboat crews for words of advice, and for helping to get us to where we are today.

To those who have given donations and words of encouragement we thank you and we hope to make you proud of a local lifeboat service for Jersey to call it’s own.

JLA Data

Each month we collate information of the JLA activities, events, call outs and exercises. The data is useful for people in the island and for our members to understand what their donations are used to support.


Activities on shore and off shore

Call Outs

Real call out data for Sir Max and Sir Albert Pinel


Regular crew and team training


Regular crew and team training


Regular crew and team training

Your Lives, Your Crew Your Boat.

View Reports