Assemble Inshore Lifeboat!

JLA’s “Albert Pinel” came to the rescue of a 16-foot speed boat that broke down near the Canger Buoy on Sunday at approx 17:20. The JLA crew arrived in less than 30 minutes from the initial call, ensuring a swift and efficient operation. The speed boat’s occupants were well-prepared with lifejackets, safety gear, and communication equipment. The skilled crew from …

Joint effort

On Tuesday 21st May at approx 21:30, the JLA was tasked to assist a French sailing yacht that had run aground on rocks close to St Helier harbour. In conjunction with RNLI Jersey and Jersey Coastguard, all available SAR assets were deployed. On arrival at the scene shortly behind the RNLI, it became clear that the fast-running propeller of the …

JLA assists Jet Skier

At 21:09 last night the JLA received a call from Jersey Coastguard to assist a jet-skier who had lost contact with their shore party in St Brelades bay. With daylight now gone, time was ticking to find the jet ski. Albert Pinel was launched on service and leapt into action, arriving on scene 26 minutes after the initial call. Vessel …

JLA has a busy night

On Sunday evening, Sir Max Aitken was tasked to escort a French flagged yacht from around the Violet Buoy suffering with engine issues.  On arrival, it was found that the vessel was not making any head way against the tide and migrating rather quickly into the reef toward La Rocque.  Sir Max quickly initiated a tow back to st Helier.  …

JLA assist French vessel lost electrical power

It started as a normal Sunday for our Crew; meet at HQ for a coffee and a chin wag, followed by training on Sir Max. Our routine caffeine had to wait as we were in a position to assist a French vessel that had lost electrical power whilst at anchor at the Minquiers. After contact had been established with the …

Annual Service for Sir Max

Sir Max has been out for her annual service; including anti-foul, engine service and various bits of maintenance. This is all part and parcel of keeping the boat ship shape and ready to go! Throughout her week off, Albert Pinel was ready for tasking 24/7. With thanks to Ports of Jersey for the hoist and space in the boat park …

Radar Training

On Tuesday we covered the use of radar for navigation and collision avoidance with the newer members of JLA crew encompassing practical uses out on Albert Pinel. Part of the exercise involved utilising electronic equipment whilst moving at speed, this can be hard work but is a necessary skill. On Wednesday night we took some of the senior crew, who …

Elizabeth Castle Ferry Exercise

Yesterday the JLA had a planned exercise with Elizabeth Castle Ferry and Jersey Coastguard. This formed part of our simulation training and the exercise scenario was as follows: “ A call out to the ferry after the vessel had experienced a fouled propeller, subsequently the skipper had slipped and injured themselves” JLA’s “Albert Pinel” launched into action, taking on an …

Slow Speed Boat Handling Exercise

The crew have been heavily focused on our training and competence in recent weeks, including the use of on-board systems as well as training for new crew members on both Sir Albert “Bertie” Pinel and Sir Max Aitken. A few of the crew also undertook slow speed boat handling with both boats, to further progress their knowledge and skill set. …

Training Exercise with the Air Rescue Emergency Drone Team

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Saturday night may not have been a brilliant night for weather, but it was a good night for a training exercise!The crew have been training with the Air Rescue Emergency Drone Team with their extremely useful and capable drone. Sir Max headed out to find an object situated between Belcroute and St …