
Water safety – swimming pools

Swimming pools are a great place to relax, and for many they are thought to be a much safer environment, but did you know that in the UK and Ireland alone, there are approximately 700 drowning fatalities every year, plus many more who suffer from accidents and injuries, with some sustaining life changing injuries.

We want everyone to enjoy the water in all it’s glory (not just out to sea). That’s why we’ve compiled these swimming pool safety tips.

Supervise: Don’t leave children or weak swimmers unsupervised and make sure they stay within a safe water depth.

Have company: Don’t swim alone – have someone their to keep an eye out for you, and vice versa.

Take your time: Check the depth, water flow, layout. Be familiar with your surroundings.

Keep control: Make sure you control who (or what) has access to your pool by ensuring suitable fencing/gates/doors etc.

No alcohol: This is a big one. Under no circumstances should you enter the water after you’ve consumed alcohol.

Rescue aids: It’s always advisable to have rescue aids – even if it’s a rope or a pole – within easy access.

Basic first aid: Make sure you know what to do in the even of an emergency.

Advise: Make sure anyone using your pool knows the relevant safety advice.

Maintain: Make sure you keep your pool maintained to a high standard and follow manufacturers guidelines.

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