

Help the JLA's Good Work.

On the Sea and on Land.

Help the JLA's Good Work On the Sea and on Land

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Have you ever considered becoming an Association Council member? While the Responsible Person and their team handle crew training and minor operational matters, the Council oversees the overall management and general running.
More Info

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Join the CREW

Crew members are active at sea as part of the SAR Search and Rescue Team. Demanding but very rewarding voluntary work for a great cause.

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Join our fundraising team who work on stalls, organise social events and are the general public face of the JLA in the island.

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We always need helping hands from the general committees to driving the trailer to events and the retail pop up shop.

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Want to Help the JLA?

If so, please fill out the form below, stating your experience and qualifications.

Do you want to volunteer to join our crew?

Or maybe you want to get involved in our fundraising?

If you prefer to talk to the JLA first then please call:

Mo on 07797 734691 or
email the JLA Secretary
Due to the nature of what we do, all of our crew members have to have a full background check with the police. Please confirm that you are happy for this to happen before submitting your request to join us.

Start Your JLA Journey Now

How would you like to help us?
Do you have any experience?
Do you have First Aid qualifications?
Do you agree to be police checked? (This is a pre-requisite to becoming a volunteer with the JLA)
the team
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Company Photo

Your Lives

Your Crew

Your Boat

Council Members Info

Have you ever considered becoming an Association Council member?

While the Responsible Person and their team handle crew training and minor operational matters, the Council oversees the overall management and general running.

Meetings are typically held every 2 to 3 weeks and last about an hour and a half. Currently, 1 or 2 Council members have expressed their intention to step down, meaning there will likely be vacancies soon. If you're interested, reach out to us for more information.