Shut Up & Swim Challenge
On July 6th, our dear friend who was loved by many, Charlie Gravett passed away. After discussing the best way to honour him with his wife, Sal, we agreed that a Virtual Swim would be most appropriate. ALL proceeds will go to the Jersey Life Boat Association.
At JLA, we thought the world of Charlie, and we know we’re not alone.
Charlie was a great supporter of the JLA, and in his honour the “Shut Up & Swim Challenge” has been put together – a virtual swim, taking place between 24th July and 31st August.
You can swim 1600 meters in the ocean, a river, a lake, a pool. Enjoy it! We’re hoping that Charlie’s friends around the world jump in and have one last swim to remember a legend, and raise some money for a great organisation.
Nothing is free in this world anymore, apart from this swim, as long as you make a donation. Please support this if you can and show your love and respect for the great Charlie Gravett.
For more information, click here.
#CharlieGravett #VirtualSwim #ShutUpAndSwim #Challenge #JerseyLifeboat